Summer is right around the corner! We are just a few short weeks away from summer break for most of the schools. That means a lot more time out in the sun playing and going to events. This unfortunately means more sunburns and more of a need to stay safe and healthy in the sun. The number one tool in every parent’s toolbox is the sunscreen, but there have been some concerns lately about what goes into the commercially available options. Some people will go out of their way to get the all-natural sunscreens, which is great, but not always a cost-effective option. So today, I’m going to talk to you about those recent controversies in the world of sunscreen, the natural options, why we use it, and how you can try to make your own.
The sun is a big ball of radiation. That radiation reaches us here on earth and gives us light and heat. We also use that radiation in our skin to create things like vitamin D, inform us when to wake up, and tons of other things. Our skin also protects the rest of our body from the harmful effects of the radiation that come along with it. Where we run into issues, is that the skin can be damaged by this radiation over time. This is what we call a sunburn. The body has to heal the burn by repairing what tissue it can, and growing new healthy tissue. Over a lifetime of healing and repairing that damage, there is a good chance of one of those cells mutating and that’s the start of skin cancer. Sunscreen adds a layer of protection to keep your skin from getting damaged by the radiation of the sun, which leads to a much lower chance of developing cancer cells in the first place.
A burn is the most common type of damage from the sun. The truth of the matter, is that damage can happen regardless of the burn happening. To be fair, your chances are much lower than someone who is sensitive to the sun, but not zero. It is not worth the risk of going through life being a cancer patient, when it could reasonably be avoided. Your skin, doctors, and loved ones will be much happier if you’d at least use some SPF 15 or higher.
So, sunscreen has been regulated by the FDA since the late ‘70s. They even go so far as to classify it as an over-the-counter medication. With regulation, comes testing. Issues arise when those standards from the ‘70s aren’t updated. Our understanding of these compounds has changed significantly in the last 50 years, but guidelines have just now been updated. There are about 16 active chemicals in commercial sunscreens which all stood up to the old testing. Now, only two of those pass testing. Those two being zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Another two have been found to be unsafe and were banned from all medications by the FDA, being PABA and trolamine salicylate. These were removed due to PABA causing skin irritation, staining clothes yellow, and also increasing the risk of skin cancers. While trolamine salicylate causes issues with allergies and bleeding.
If the alternative is to not wear sunscreen, you’re better off using it. If you’d rather avoid it altogether, there are safer options. Wearing clothes that cover the skin acts as a physical barrier to the sun. In the summer, that might not be the best choice if you get hot easily. Look for sunscreens that are PABA free or that contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as their active ingredients. It might take some trial and error, but you’ll find the best option to keep you happy and healthy. Some people make their own, which uses basic lotions and shea butter along with that zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as the main protection. One final note for safety, is to make sure it is a sunscreen that is regulated by the FDA. There are a lot of people that have been buying cosmetics and other skin-care products from other countries, but those countries don’t have the same standards as us. They are much more relaxed about it and regulate them as cosmetics and not OTC medications, when the truth is that those chemicals are seeping into your bloodstream.
Its easy to get into the weeds when it comes to picking the right products for your health. Chasing around the perfect product is going to drive people crazy, so understand that you might not find exactly what you want/need without making it on your own. And that’s okay. Do your best to follow those guidelines and stay safe out there!