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Health Tips

Is Splenda Killing your Stomach?

By March 4, 2022July 28th, 2023No Comments3 min read

Splenda, was at one time, America’s favorite diet-sugar. It was sold and marketed as peoples answers to having their cake AND being able to eat it without the guilt. But is that the whole story?

If you’ve been reading our tips for a while you’ll remember the wonderful article, put together by Dr. Alisha Squires. ( In that article, Dr. Squires talks about the dangers behind artificial sweeteners and how they can increase your chances of a major health incident by up to 3x. But could Splenda be different? Is it the only artificial sweetener to keep you healthy while enjoying your favorite sweets?

The short answer is no. Splenda comes with its own set of risks. It is still unfortunately an artificial sweetener and the artificial stuff comes with a cost. The research behind what that cost is, is still evolving. Here is a snapshot of what effects we are seeing now in 2022.

• Alters glucose levels and insulin levels
• Could be a migraine trigger
• Could play into cancer causing agents
• Increases in weight gained
• Changes in cell and protein functions of the gut
• Significantly decreases good gut bacteria


This is concerning. Your gut health is very pivotal in being a complete healthy person that can function at your best every day. Those bacteria that the Splenda kills, are what keep you going and keep your stomach happy. Without them, you could start running into digestive issues, IBS, depression, and nutrient deficiencies. This is due to the change in environment. Your body will react and go into a panic mode where it identifies things as being bad even if they aren’t. This is what results in you not getting the most out of your food and starts a vicious cycle of poor dietary health. Now, in all fairness, these findings were more apparent in high doses. Artificial sweeteners in general aren’t good for you, but moderation is key in all things in life. If you find yourself using a ton of artificial sweeteners and drinking diet sodas, maybe try some tea sweetened with local honey. Some other natural options would be monk fruit and stevia sugars.

Family First Columbia

At Family First Chiropractic & Wellness Center, located in Columbia, MO, our chiropractors won't guess with your health! Our chiropractic team performs a thorough evaluation of your health history including digital x-rays on site before developing a treatment plan.

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